While researching and writing the multitude of topics that would eventually collide in unexpected ways to become the Bikenomics book, it seemed like I could hardly walk down the street or have a conversation without stumbling upon another example of bikenomics in action.
Each of these examples reminds me: Bikenomics is more than a book. It’s a movement. It’s been going on long before I started writing about it, and it’s only going to keep growing better and stronger. I want to find more ways for all of our voices to be represented in the growing national conversation about bikes.
To that end, please consider this post a call to action: Keep an eye out for examples of how bicycling (or not bicycling) affects your personal, local, or global economy. And then share your #bikenomics with the world — tweet, post, share, blog, vlog, pin, link, draw, film, photoshop, tumbl, kickstart, or upload them in whatever format you prefer. Just be sure to tag it so it can be found (or email it to me). I’ll keep an eye out on all channels and endeavor to compile, rebroadcast, and spread your #bikenomics love as best I can—and hope that you will do the same.
Here are just a few examples of what #bikenomics can be:
“I save $3 a day,” shared one Twitter user. #bikenomics
A financial blogger calculates in goofy, no-nonsense terms that ditching your car in favor than a bike can save a lot more than that—including your life and financial future. #bikenomics
Even just a quick daily bicycle commute is so healthy, and health care costs are so high, that employers nationwide are starting to find a bottom line benefit in literally paying employees to bike to work.
A beer company with a big philanthropy budget spends a quarter of that money on “smart transportation initiatives”–mainly biking, reports Momentum. #bikenomics
In rural New Zealand, bicycle tourism “is the new Gold Rush,” note Russ and Laura of the Path Less Pedaled.
Businesses near bike share stations in DC have seen increased sales (PDF) come with an increase in two wheeled travelers. #bikenomics
Equity and social justice issues are gaining traction in bike advocacy, to everyone’s benefit. #bikenomics

#bikenomics meme by Becky Morton of Bikeasaurus
What’s your #bikenomics? Share it, tag it, and make this vision real.