On tour: Farms and strip malls

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We’ve arrived in Leavenworth, Kansas after a week and a half of alternating between big California cities and the train. This place is fascinating — you wake up on a rural farm and drive five minutes down the road and find yourself on a highway lined with strip malls. Two minutes later you’re winding through a ritzy suburb, and then it’s back to agriculture and dirt roads.

The folks we’re staying with have a farm where they’re raising a sweet young kiddo and a whole bunch of rescue animals. Adam tends to them when he isn’t making, recording, or touring the world playing his anthems of booze, nostalgia, and wild adventure. Below, he’s herding the goats out of the barn the morning we arrived, in the same way that he might hail a taxi at midnight in London.

Adam herding goats

Here are the sheep. Jessie bought them from a farm she worked at to save them from slaughter. When not shearing the sheep, mending fences, and keeping the farm in order, she co-owns and operates Microcosm Publishing.

rescued sheep

There are two roosters. One of them has won the hearts of all the chickens. The other one, Sweetheart (pictured below doing what he does best), grouses around the farm taking his defeat poorly, pecking at peoples’ ankles and hassling the goats.


On Wednesday we head to Topeka, and from there to the South!

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